Description : Guru Harkrishan Public School participated in the Nagar Kirtan dedicated to the Prakash Purab of the tenth Guru, Guru Gobind Singh Ji, who created the Khalsa Panth. The event was commemorated by the Delhi Sikh Gurdwara Management Committee on 5th January 2025. Led by the Panj Pyaras, the Nagar Kirtan began after the rendition of the Ardas at Gurdwara Rakabganj Sahib. All branches of G.H.P.S., along with various devotees from different places, participated enthusiastically. The recitation of Shabad Kirtan enthralled the audience with scintillating performances. Gatka demonstrations by school children and various Gatka dals added to the event's spiritual fervor. Students also recited the holy hymns of Guru Gobind Singh Ji. Refreshment stalls set up by the devotees provided food for the children and the sangat. The entire event was an inspirational experience for all.